Thursday, May 12, 2011

Bigger, Better, Stronger, Faster

On the first week of term 2 Room 16 started to build up towers in our class room. The first thing we had to do was that we had to get into 3 groups our you could do it your self I was in a group of 2 with Turuhira and I. Our equipment was 8 pieces of paper, 1 pear of scissors, 1 glue stick and 1 long strip of sellotape. These were the only things we could use to build a tower. We had to think of some things that could make a tower out of all of these equipment. It was difficult. Then my group came up with an I dear!!!!!!. We thought of the strongest shape that could hold our tower and the strongest shapes were circles and triangles. So out of our paper we made 4 papers shaped as a circle so that we could make a stand with them but then it started to wriggle a bit but it still could balance. But there was some thing wrong we had to make it strong enough to hold the big heavy block. The whole class only had a few minuets left we were finished but other teams had to keep on doing there’s. Then it started to be a challenge our group was second to last and we lost but we tried the winner was Andrea she had the tallest tower that standard.

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